Celebrating Success and Raising Awareness of FASD in Manitoba

Making Change in the Lives of Individuals with FASD

What really matters? Getting the lay of the land for individuals with FASD.

The Adult Leadership Committee (ALC) of FASD Change Makers wants to know what life is like for teens and adults who are 16 years and older who have diagnosed FASD, or who think they have FASD but do not have an official diagnosis.  This is an important topic that no one has surveyed yet.  We plan to change that and need your help to get this survey to as many people who have FASD think they do as we can.

As there is little known about what life is like for adults with FASD, and very little to no comparison information of what we are asking about is available for the general population, we are also asking for a large number of people 16 years and older, who do NOT have FASD and do NOT think they do, to also complete this survey.  We want them to serve as a kind of control group so we can try to compare things if we can.  


We need your help to do this.

You can participate in this survey in either capacity no matter where you live in the world.  Just click on the correct link in this email for you:

FASD (diagnosed or undiagnosed FASD)  https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_22WRob1OlCjTxSR


Control https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bfJGMWvxoocMgjX

A letter will give you more details before you start the survey.  There is a lot of interest in what individuals with FASD have to say.  We hope to present this information at the 9th International Conference on Adolescents and Adults with FASD which will be held in Vancouver, BC, Canada in April of 2020.


We must have your finished survey back by September 13, 2019

If you have any questions please email us at: FASDChangemakers@gmail.com